Star Trek ’08: Science Fiction Is Dying! I’m sure that by now the entire Science Fiction community knows about the new Star Trek movie (Click Here for a look at the official movie site and a trailer). Being a huge Star Trek fan, part of me is looking forward to a present from Paramount this Christmas. But another part of me is full of uncertainties.
First, and foremost, is the decision to make the Science Fiction icon a prequel. It’s already been done with Enterprise and was, by Star Trek standards, a dismal failure. It would be cool to see when Kirk and Spock meet, thus starting the legends. But it won’t be the same without William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy (yes, I know Leonard’s in the movie). It almost makes me wonder if Paramount is trying to stick the proverbial nail in Star Trek’s coffin. I fear that a prequel will rewrite Science Fiction’s most established and well-known back history, effectively destroying Star Trek as we know it.
Second is the choice of cast members. I’m not too sure about Chris Pine as Kirk, Zachary Quinto as Spock, or the rest for that matter. I think they might be able to pull it off (especially Quinto who does an awesome job as Sylar on Heroes). My biggest concern is Eric Bana as the villain. I didn’t think much of him in The Hulk and when I see him in the new Star Trek movie I’ll be expecting him to turn green and start jumping from planet to planet. That might be the best thing he can do for Science Fiction—jump into oblivion.
The third thing that bothers me is Paramount giving full control of Star Trek’s future to JJ Abrams. I think Brannon Braga made a mess of Star Trek, so good riddance to him. But what about Rick Berman? He was instrumental in making Star Trek the success it has been since the days of The Next Generation. And there’s Manny Coto who pulled Enterprise out of Television’s black hole and made season four of that show one of the best ever years for Star Trek.
I have many other concerns for the new Star Trek movie and the future of Star Trek in general. But I’ll end my rant by saying this:
JJ Abrams’ idea of re-imagining Star Trek makes no sense at all---at least to me. Two thing's for sure: he’s no Gene Roddenberry! Or Rick Berman! Or Manny Coto!...
...and Science Fiction is dying (and you are more than welcome to quote that)!
I never was a big fan of Enterprise and frankly don't agree with your assesment that the 4th season was one of the best for Star Trek. Oh, and I think Coto killed the show. If Trek is dying, it might be a good thing for Science Fiction in general.
Star Trek is old and way wore out. I say either get rid of it or make something out of it. The re-imagine idea is cool!
I too am a Trek fan. Or was. I've strayed these past few years. Voyager was crap, Enterprise was...well, you said it in your blog. But I welcome this pre-quelif for nothing else, then to see how the Legends started.
I don't however, think Sci-Fi is dying. I just think it needs to get away from all the formulaic sci-fi movies out there right now. Sadly i don't think Abrams can do this. I think hes one of the ones hurting sci-fi.
and....thats my 2 cents.
I too am a Trek fan. Or was. I've strayed these past few years. Voyager was crap, Enterprise was...well, you said it in your blog. But I welcome this pre-quelif for nothing else, then to see how the Legends started.
I don't however, think Sci-Fi is dying. I just think it needs to get away from all the formulaic sci-fi movies out there right now. Sadly i don't think Abrams can do this. I think hes one of the ones hurting sci-fi.
and....thats my 2 cents.
The Dormouse: I couldn't agree with you more about Abrams hurting Science Fiction. If he is allowed to continue, I'm afraid that Science Fiction will become something we won't even recognize.
I also think the "Formula Sci-Fi" is what's killing it. Abrams seems to be quickly becoming the King of the Same 'Ol Same Ol."
Thanks for your comment.
Anonymous: I don't think Trek is worn out. I think it just needs some time away for new ideas and story lines to come to fruition. I believe that when writers are pressured with deadlines (especially TV)their creativity suffers.
Of course, Paramount seems more concerned with milking the cash cow that is Star Trek.
Thanks for commenting.
Entsucked: I think it would be good for Trek and Science Fiction in general if Trek was away for awhile. But, with the iconic nature of Star Trek, I believe that Science Fiction would suffer if Star Trek was gone forever.
I appreciate you taking the time to comment.
The fetishistic obsession with the Star Trek canon is what killed/is killing the franchise. Ok, I get it. You love Spock and Kirk and TOS, but why does everything have to relate back to those characters? They're tired - let them rest.
JJ Abrams has no credability with me. I'm not a Lost fan, not Mission Impossible. They said they weren't gonna stick to the Star Trek History and make all the facts fit as we have come to know them. It's not gonna be pretty. Star Trek is about the future, not the past. Those guys who run Paramount are idiots!
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